Tuesday, December 24, 2019

John Lewis Uses The Jeremiad Rhetorical Tool - 1655 Words

America is built and founded on the sweat and tears of the working class. A lot of advancements in the workplace today have been won by unions and the efforts of labor organizations. John Lewis founded one of the biggest institutions that remains at the forefront of the labor movement, the CIO (Committee for Industrial Organizations, now the Congress of Industrial Organizations.) John Lewis delivers his speech to organize workers. He reminds the American working class of the need to unite. Lewis uses the Jeremiad rhetorical tool. John Lewis criticizes the government and businesses disregard for labor and how they have exploited and abused workers, by violently stopping them from unionizing. Lewis describes a â€Å"utopian society,† for this society to become a reality he calls on the working class to unite under the CIO. The influence John Lewis had on the labor movement is unparalleled. Lewis grew up in a working class home. He is the son of a miner and eventually became a miner himself. As a miner he was a union member of the United Mine Workers union and eventually became a prominent figure in the labor movement. Lewis is responsible for more industrial unionism than any other person in American labor (Martin). Lewis fought for the rights of unskilled workers such as miners, and steel workers. Lewis founded the CIO to better represent unskilled workers. Under Lewis the CIO became the biggest organization of unionized unskilled workers. â€Å"Lewis may have personally brought moreShow MoreRelatedAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 Pagessermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives jeremiads written in plain style Effect: ï‚ · ï‚ · instructive reinforces authority of the Bible and church Historical Context: ï‚ · ï‚ · a person s fate is determined by God all people are corrupt and must be saved by Christ Rationalism / Age of Enlightenment period of American Literature - 1750-1800 Content: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · national mission and American character democratic utopia use of reason history is an act of individual and national

Monday, December 16, 2019

Turnover Rate in Corrections Free Essays

The Nation Wide Dilemma in Corrections CJ 2500: CORRECTIONS Professor November 04, 2012 Running Head: Turnover Rate in Corrections Abstract Throughout the years, there has been one major dilemma that continues to hassle the administration whose sole purpose is to provide institutional sanctions, treatment programs, and services for managing criminal offenders. This dilemma is the high turnover rate of the Corrections Officers, whom agencies nation wide are losing at an extremely high rate. Recent statistics indicate that nearly half of all Corrections Academy graduates will have left their agency within a two-year period (â€Å"State questions high, â€Å"2004). We will write a custom essay sample on Turnover Rate in Corrections or any similar topic only for you Order Now This high turnover rate is causing a staff shortage, which is forcing agencies to put new officers on the job immediately while being untrained. Though the amount of Corrections Officers departing from their agencies continues to rise, the amount of inmates entering prisons remains the same. This of course can become a serious safety issue for the departments employing these new hires that are inadequately trained. Throughout this paper I will explore the numerous possibilities of what’s causing Corrections Officers to depart from their agencies at such a high rate. Whether it’s the demanding hours associated with shift work, the high stress and burnout, or the inadequate pay and benefits, all possibilities will be discussed in an attempt to understand why the retention rate of Corrections Officers is lower compared to various other careers across the nation. The Department of Corrections (DOC), privately owned jails, parish jails, and local city jails not only face the hardship of maintaining inmate property, specific calorie counts from meals provided, medicine dispensing, doctor visits, and numerous other tasks required that Corrections Officers tend to on a typical day of work, but these facilities also face the hardship of retaining these Officers for extended lengths of employment. As stated in the Abstract of this paper, â€Å"Recent statistics indicate that nearly half of all Corrections Academy graduates will have left their agency within a two-year period† (â€Å"State questions high, â€Å"2004). This has become a major problem for agencies that have a continuous increase in the number of inmates entering these facilities each year, while becoming almost impossible to keep enough manpower to operate shifts in a safe and secure manner. It is stated that in 1999, the turnover rate of Officers and Corporals within an agency was 29. 6 percent, while the average tenure of Officers was 3 years (â€Å"Department of corrections,†). The turnover rates in 2000 ranged from a low of 3. percent in New York, to a high of 41 percent in Louisiana (Lommel, 2004). Typically, once an Officer has been hired and accepted the job, they are to be trained in some type of Corrections Academy. The department hiring the Officer may host this Academy, or the Officer may have to travel to receive their training. Either way, prior to an Officer actually beginning their job monitoring the walkways of a prison or jail, the Officer should first be well trained to ensure theirs, the inmates, and other Officers safety. However, due to the high number of vacancies within Corrections, Officers are being hired without any experience, while hoping to receive this training academy shortly after becoming employed. Some agencies have established a policy that once the Officer has completed their training at an Academy, they are to sign a contract stating that they will remain with the department for a set amount of years. This is due to the high costs that an agency incurs by having these Officers sent to an accredited Academy to receive their training. The dollar amount that an agency may spend on an Officers training may range anywhere between a few hundred dollars, to a few thousand dollars. To elaborate on the amount of vacancies within Corrections, this could very well be a contributing factor to the increased amount of Officers who resign due to stress and burnout. Officers are being ordered in on their off days or holidays, forced to work mandatory overtime, a higher inmate to Correctional Officer ratio, as well as experienced Officers having to work with an extensive amount of â€Å"rookie† or inexperienced Correctional Officers. This combining of experienced officers with new hires, who have not received any type of prior training, raises the stress level during dangerous interactions with inmates, as well lowering the morale of the Officers who remain and attempt to complete their careers with a specific agency. This may be due to long term employees realizing that many of the new hires are using their time as a Correctional Officer to gain experience, or as a stepping-stone to eventually become a road or patrol Officer, which may involve more experienced Officers not spending the time necessary to assist, or provide â€Å"On the job training† to the new hires. Additional causes of stress may include the threat of inmate violence, actual inmate violence, inmate demands and manipulations, problems with co-workers, as well as having a poor public image. For example, â€Å"Between 1990 and 1995, the number of attacks on correctional officers in State and Federal prisons jumped by nearly one third, from 10,731 to 14,165 (Lommel, 2004). An additional stress added to a Correctional Officers life is being able to balance and separate work from their personal relationships. Workdays at a correctional facility often involve long hours of uneventful and routine procedures. This â€Å"routine† may quickly be disrupted by a brief period of crisis. Some Officers have issues with being able to return to a calm state once a crisis occurs, often times bringing their problems home to their families. This may lead Officers to substance abuse, or alcoholism. Law Enforcement careers can be an extremely difficult, stressful, yet rewarding career, even when referring to Corrections Officers. However, due to the long work hours associated with shift work, combined with the stressful and strenuous workdays officers are exposed to, it seems as if all Law Enforcement, to include Corrections officers do not receive the pay and benefits that they are entitled to. A large number of Corrections Officers are leaving this career field due to struggling with raising families while trying to balance and survive on the annual salary of a Corrections Officer. It seems as if economically speaking, the value of everyday necessities ontinues to rise in value, except for the officers’ paychecks. This dilemma, combined with the additional stress an Officer encounters on the job, could possibly explain why many Officers leave their jobs due to stress and burnout. The benefits that an Officer, or Corrections Officer receives is usually the highlight of their employment contract. Officers usually do receive good insurance and retirement plans. Not just for them, but for their families as well. However, the type of insurance that an Officer receives depends on the plan that the agency has purchased. Some agencies will have top of the line benefits, while others may have insurance carriers with extremely high deductibles and rates, due to tight budget restraints and cutbacks within the department. In addition to the stress, burnout, long hours, and low pay, many officers are never set on retiring within corrections. As previously stated, numerous officers, such as myself, use corrections as a stepping-stone, or training prior to being hired for a patrol position. Numerous agencies such as Sheriff’s Offices of various Parishes within the state, require that an individual hired first serve one to two years within the parish jail prior to being sent to a Police Academy and ultimately landing a position on patrol. Many agencies have come to realize this, which is why they may not spend the time, effort, and funds to train the individual to become a more efficient Corrections Officer. By reflecting on the issues presented in this paper, it is determined that turnover rate in Corrections Officers will likely continue to be a rising problem for agencies. Administrators seeking seminars on retention strategies, which may depend on additional funding, can combat some of these issues. Agencies can improve their policies, improve management, increase criteria of the screening process, as well as address the wage and benefit issue. However, no matter what an agency decides in attempting to retain there officers, there will always be the Officers that slip through the cracks and ultimately cost the department more funding in training the individual, only to have them leave the agency before reaching their desired and previously stated commitment. WORKS CITED Department of corrections background and statistics. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://legisweb. state. wy. us/progeval/reports/2000/turnovr/Chapter4. htm High turnover of corrections staff, excessive priosoner head counts attract media attention. (2006, Sep 06). Retrieved from http://www. bcgeu. ca/node/1314 Lommel, J. (2004, August). Turning around turnover. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. liberty. edu:2048/docview/215699356 State questions high turnover among prison officers. (2004, 04 05). Retrieved from http://www. corrections. com/articles/1862 How to cite Turnover Rate in Corrections, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard free essay sample

Era, Thomas Gray expresses the beauty of life and conveys the themes of death and self-search in his pastoral elegy, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. The poem was written at the end of the Augustan Age and at the beginning of the Romantic Period, where both periods are evident in the poem. Gray combined in a unique way a classic form typical of the Augustan Era with contents and attitudes portrayed from the Romantic Period (Gray, Thomas). On one hand, it has the rdered, balanced phrasing and rotational sentimental of Neoclassical poetry. On the other hand, it tends toward the emotionalism and individualism of the Romantic poets; most importantly, it idealizes and elevates the common man. (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 73). His poem focuses on common people and really describes their lives and ponders on the things they could have accomplished if they were given the chance to do greater things. He also uses georgic verses, poetry that describes agriculture, which was popular in the eighteenth century. Gray also ssociates man and nature, which suggests a romantic attitude (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 78). He is able to combine both the Augustan Era and Romantic Period into his poem, making it unique and different from others. This poem was written in heroic quatrains, which consists of four lines per stanza. Heroic quatrains have a rhyme scheme of abab pattern and are written in iambic pentameter. Its regular, steady rhythm helps create a tranquil and quite mood, which is appropriate to the pondering nature of this poem (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard). Gray sets his lyrics in the comforts of nature and selects mild images a knell, fading, drowsiness, and moping rather than the extremes of gothic horror. (Snodgrass, Mary Ellen). The poem begins with an observation of a country day coming to an end and farmers returning home. The first line of the poem sets a solemn tone that makes the mood of the poem gloomy, which can lead to the description of the graveyard and the pondering of the speaker. The speaker considers the pleasures that the dead will no longer enjoy and invoke the idea that everyone dies eventually. Earthly matters once aluable will no longer matter when a person is dead. He tries to persuade the reader not to look down on the poor because of their simple accomplishment have accomplished a lot. The speaker is wondering if someone will remember him when he is dead. He imagines an old farmer remembering him after his death and describes what the old man would say about him. (The speaker wonders if someone will remember his when he is dead and imagines what an old farmer would say about him and finish it somehow)The last three stanzas of the poem are the speakers epitaph. In his epitaph, he asks anyone that passes his grave to be emembered for being generous and sincere rather than wealthy and famous. The speaker wishes to be recognized not with the great and famous, but with the common people he has praised in his poem (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard). Grays poem is reflective towards the questions of life and death and shows sympathy for the underclass society. He uses syntax, diction, and organization to express the tone of beauty and equality in humanity. With syntax, which is the grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence, Gray creates multiple meanings in a line and truly expresses the beauty and equality of life and death. One type of syntax that he uses is repetition, in which he places emphasis on the simple Joys and beauty of life that the common people enjoy by reusing common ideas throughout the poem. For example, Gray uses repetition to describe a beautiful morning, The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn, The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed, The cocks shrill clarion, or the echoing horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed. (Gray, Thomas 17-20). He illustrates the beauty of life and to get the point across that life is precious because humans are mortal. Gray also uses rhetorical devices such as alliteration, personification, paradox, and allusion to get his message to his readers. He makes the poem more interesting and draws the reader into the poem. An example of personification would be in lin e 44, Or Flattery sooth the dull cold ear of Death? Here Gray uses the words flattery and death to personify death having a will or mind of its own. By personifying death, Gray is trying to explain that death can come and take a persons life away at any moment. In the poem, Gray also uses paradox to suggest that the troubles and worries of life re more enjoyable when he compares them to death. The pleasing anxious being in line 86 means that Just living can be anxious, and filled with tons of worries, but being alive is pleasing compared to death (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 78). In addition, he alludes three famous and powerful people in order to compare them to those who are buried in the churchyard. Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless beast/The little Tyrant of his fields withstood/ Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest/ Some Cromwell guiltless of his countrys blood, (Gray, Thomas 57-60). John Hampden is a parliamentary leader who defended the people against the abuse of Charles l, John Milton is a great poet who wrote Paradise Lost, and Oliver Cromwell is the Lord Protector of England from 1653 to 1658. T he allusion to the three illustrious men suggests that those who were buried in the churchyard could have opportunity to become someone great (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 78). Alliteration was also used to emphasis imagery, such as solemn silence in line 6 and sturdy stroke in line 28. Gray also uses a series of analogies to examine the talents of the poor. For example in like 53-56, Full many a gem of purest ray serene/ The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear/ Full many a flower is born to blush unseen/ And waste its sweetness on the desert air. He compares the talents of the poor to hidden gems in the ocean and to flowers blooming in the desert. The analogies he uses here express beauty, while still getting his point across to the reader. Gray is suggesting that the uneducated talents of the poor are a waste because they remain unused and undeveloped, but their talents are still present (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 78). Gray is reflective over death, which is the only thing that makes all men equal and reminds the reader about human mortality. In the poem, he ponders over the dead and thinks about how they will no longer be able to enjoy the pleasures of working in the fields each day and seeing their loved ones (EXPLORING Poetry). By comparing these common people to those of high status, he sympathizes with the fact that they did not have the chance to become great, but he still praises the simple lives that they lived. The common people live a steady simple, but meaningful life even if they id not get to accomplish great things (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 78). Gray also reminds the reader that these common people are long dead, but suggests that they deserve homage and tribute even if they are not famous and powerful (Poetry for Students). There are two main themes expressed in this poem, one of them being death. Out of sympathy with the universal terror of death, he elevates humankind with a serene melancholy at common place losses and disappointments from lives cut short. (Snodgrass, Mary Ellen). Gray uses the poem to compare death with sleep to make death seem less horrifying. Death is presented in a better way in this poem; instead of it seeming like the worst thing that could happen the speaker talks about the dead peoples family loving them and how they were cheerful at work when they were alive. He establishes a theme of mortality and reminds the reader that everyone dies eventually and nothing can be done to prevent death from occurring. The graveyard acts as a memento mort, which in Latin means Remember that you must die (EXPLORING Poetry). In death, there is no difference between great and common people. Gray conveys the message that in the end no matter if you are rich, oor, famous, or well known that all men will become equal through death. Another theme that is expressed in this poem is self-search. Gray conveys that attributes normally considered important and desirable in life are now pointless and useless when compared to the lives of the dead. According to the speaker Ambition should not think of the common people in the grave any less because their accomplishments are not as grand as others. He also states that Pride and Memory they are dead (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 81). Gray uses personification on these attributes to emphasis his point.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Stock and Mexico City Essay Sample free essay sample

â€Å"I don’t want to hear your alibis. Just acquire those planes in the air. † john Vaz was shouting at his gate director. As caput of American Airlines’ operations at the Mexico City airdrome. Vaz has been systematically frustrated by the attitude displayed by his native employees. Transferred from Dallas to Mexico City merely three months ago. Vaz was holding trouble seting to Mexican manner of work. â€Å"Am I critical of these people? You bet I am! They don’t listen when I talk. They think things are merely all right and fight every alteration I suggest. And they have no grasp for the importance of maintaining on agenda. † If Vaz is critical of his Mexico City staff. it’s common. They universally dislike him. Here’s a few anon. remarks made about heir foreman: â€Å"He’s wholly insensitive to our demands. † â€Å"He thinks if he yells and screams that things will better. We will write a custom essay sample on Stock and Mexico City Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We don’t see it that manner. † â€Å"I’ve been working here for four old ages. Before he came here. this was a good topographic point to work. Not any longer. I’m invariably in fright of being chewed out. I feel stress all the clip. even at place. My hubby has started noticing on it a batch. † AN ISO 9001: 2000 CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL B-SCHOOLVaz was brought in specifically to fasten up the Mexico City operation. High on his list of ends is bettering American’s on-time record in Mexico City. increasing productiveness. and bettering client service. When Vaz was asked if he thought he had any jobs with his staff. he replied. â€Å"Yep. We merely can’t seem to pass on. † Questions: 1. Does John Vaz have a communicating job? Explain.2. What suggestions. if any. would you do to John to assist him better his managerial effectivity?3. Ineffective communicating is the mistake of the transmitter. Make You hold or differ? Discuss.4. What can you make to better the likeliness that you r communicating will be received and understood as you intend. CASE –2 ( 20 Marks )The world of package development is a immense company like Microsoft-it employs more than 48. 000 people- is that a significant part of your work involves yearss of ennui punctuated by hours of boredom. You fundamentally pass your clip in an stray office composing codification and sitting in meetings during which you participate in looking for and measuring 100s of current employees and possible employees. Microsoft has no job in happening and retaining package coders. Their coders work for really long hours and Ob on the end of transporting merchandise. From the twenty-four hours new employees begin at Microsoft. they know they are particular. New hires all have one thing in common-they are smart. The company prides itself on seting all recruits through a grueling â€Å"interviewing loop† . during which they confront a bombardment ( an overpowering figure of inquiries or ailments ) of riddles by future co-workers to see how good they think. Merely t he best and the brightest survive to go employees. The company does this because microsofties genuinely believe that their company is particular. For illustration. it has high tolerance for non-conformity. would you believe that one package examiner comes to work everyday dressed in excessive Victorian outfits? . But the implicit in subject that unites Microsofties is the belief that the house has a manifest fate to alter the universe. The least of import determination as coder can hold a big importance which it can impact a new release that might be used by 50 million people. Microsoft employees are celebrated for seting in long hours. One plan Manager said â€Å"In my First Five Years. I was the Microsoft stereotype. I lived on caffeine and vending-machine beefburgers and free beer and 20-hour work-days†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦I had no life†¦ . . I considered everything outside the edifice as a necessary evil† . More late things have changed. There are still a figure of people who put in 80-hour hebdomads. but 60 and 70 hr hebdomads are more typical and some even are making their occupations in merely 40 hours. No treatment of the employee life at Microsoft would be complete without adverting the company’s moneymaking stock option plan. Microsoft created more millionaire employees. faster. than any company in American history-more than 10. 000 by the late – 1990’s while the company is surely more than a topographic point to acquire rich. executive still recognize that money affairs. One former Manager claims that the human resources’ section really kept a running chart of employee satisfaction versus the company’s stock monetary value. â€Å"When the stock was up. human resources could turn off the airing and everybody would state they were happy. When the stock was down. we could give people Massages and they would state us that the Massages were excessively difficult. † In the go-go 1990’s. when the Microsoft stock was duplicating every few months and annual stock splits were predictable. employees non merely got to take part in the Microso ft’s manifest fate. they would acquire rich in the procedure. By the spring of 2002. with the universe in a recession. stock monetary values down. and the growing for Microsoft merchandises decelerating. it wasn’t so clear what was driving its employees to go on the company’s laterality of the package industry. Questions: 1. If you were the coder. would you desire to work at Microsoft? Why or Why non? 2. How many activities in this instance can you bind into specific motive theories? List the activities ; list the motive theories. and how they apply. 3. As Microsoft continues to acquire larger and its growing rate flattens do you believe Management will hold to modify any of its motive patterns? Elaborate. 4. Can money act as a incentive? Explain. CASE-3 ( 20 Marks )Merlyn Monroe is non a whiner. If she has a major aching. she normally suffers in silence. Although her employer. Atlantic Mutual Insurance. has an employee aid program- to supply emotional and psychological support in the work program. She surely neer thinks of utilizing it. even if she did hold a concern on her head. â€Å"They say its confidential but who truly knows? Asked Ms. Monroe’ . an administrative helper at the insurance company. But Merlyn Monroe’s life changed on September 11. 2001. Her office at 140 Broadway in New York City. was near the universe trade Center. She watched the whole thing from her fiftieth Floor office window. Ms. Monroe had neer seen so much devastation in her life. She had neer seen such a hideous terrorist onslaught. Nor had she forced her to alleviate 9/11 over and over. Everything she talked to people they wanted inside informations. which made it worse for her. She had so much choler about what had happened to her life and lives of so many people and the metropolis where she worked for 40 Old ages. Two hebdomads after 9/11. Ms. Monroe was still enduring after effects. Even though she lives on province Island and Atlantic Mutual’s offices have been temporarily relocated to Madison. New Jersey. non an hr goes by when she doesn’t have flashbacks of her experiences of 9/11. Questions 1. What should Atlantic Mutual Management do. if anything. to get by with the aftereffects of 9/11?2. How long would You anticipate employees to be adversely affected by 9/11 if a company provides no formal aid for covering with choler and emphasis? 3. What. if anything. should Management make about employees who appear to be enduring from such sort or injury and emphasis. but will neither acknowledge it nor accept aid from their employee? 4. Sketch the function of HR specializer in supplying a safe and healthy environment for employees. CASE – 4 ( 20 Marks ) Patil. RK Materials. is really angry. dying and restless. He bumped into Mehta. RK Materials. threw the surrender missive on his tabular array. screamed and walked out of the room fleetly. Patil has a ground for his sudden effusion. Detailss of the narrative will state the grounds for patil’s choler and why he put his surrender. merely four months after he took up his occupation. In the twelvemonth 2000 Patil quit his esteemed Mittal works at Vishakhapatnam. As a director Materials. Patil had assorted powers like he could even put an order of stuffs deserving Rs. 50 Lakhs. He required nobody’s anterior consent. Patil Joined a pulp-making works located at Kerala. as RK Materials. The works is portion of a multi-product and multi-plant pudding stone owned by a esteemed concern house in India. The fringe benefit. repute and appellation of the pudding stone attracted Patil off from the populace sector steel monolith. When he joined the eucalyptus mush doing company. small did Patil recognize that he needed prior blessing to put an order for stuffs deserving Rs. 25lakh. He thought that he had the authorization to put an order for stuffs by himself deserving half the sum of what he used to as at the Mega Steel shaper. He placed the order. stuffs arrived. were received. accepted and used up in the works. Trouble started when the measure for Rs. 25 hundred thousand came from the seller. The histories section withheld the payment for the ground that the measure was non endorsed by Mehta. Mehta refused to subscribe on the measure as his blessing was non taken by Patil before puting the order. Patil felt really angry and cheated. A brief brush with Mehta merely made the state of affairs worse. Patil was impolitely told that he should hold known company regulations before embarking. He decided to Quit. Questions: 1. Make you believe the company has any orientation programme? If Yes. discourse its effectivity. 2. If employees were decently selected. there should be no demand for an orientation programme† . Remark on the statement. 3. If You were Patil. how would you respond to the above state of affairs? 4. Discourse the intent of orientation. What are assorted necessities of an effectual programme

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Flashback in Creative Nonfiction

Flashback in Creative Nonfiction A flashback is a shift in a narrative to an earlier event that interrupts the normal chronological development of a story. Also called analepsis. Contrast with flashforward. Just as with the novelist, says Bronwyn T. Williams, the creative nonfiction writer can condense, expand, fold back, reorder, and otherwise play with space and time. Flashbacks, foreshadowing, changing perspectives, changing the order in which events are told, are all fair game and may be effective dramatically and stylistically (Writing Creative Nonfiction in A Companion to Creative Writing, 2013). Examples and Observations: For a flashback to succeed as part of your beginning, it should meet three criteria.First, it should follow a strong opening scene, one that roots us firmly in your characters present. . . .In addition, the second-scene flashback should bear some clear relation to the first scene weve just witnessed. . . .Finally, dont let your readers get lost in time. Indicate clearly how much earlier the flashback scene took place.(Nancy Kress, Beginnings, Middles Ends. Writers Digest Books, 1999)Flashbacks in the TV Series LostBackstorythats been a key element in the brilliance of Lost. Flashbacks are usually deadlybut the writers have used them here as the best novelists do. We only get a flashback that is (a) interesting in and of itself and (b) pertinent to the present action, so that we dont resent the interruptions.(Orson Scott Card, Introduction: What Is Lost Good For? Getting Lost: Survival, Baggage, and Starting Over in J.J. Abrams Lost, ed. by O.S. Card. BenBella, 2006) Advice on Using FlashbacksWhile the flashback is common in literary presentationsnovels, drama, television programsit need not be restricted to them. Indeed, it is very often used for expository writing. . . .Begin a flashback as close to the conclusion, the effect, as you can. Do not give the plot away in the first paragraph, but end the paragraph with a question, with a comment that the remainder of the theme will pertain to the flashback. In a short theme, your flashback should be short, certainly no longer than about one-fourth of your theme.(John McCall, How to Write Themes and Essays. Petersons, 2003)A rule of thumb: If you feel a need to have a flashback on the first or second page of your story, either your story should begin with the events of the flashback, or you should get us involved with some compelling present characters and events before flashing back.(Orson Scott Card, Elements of Fiction Writing: Characters and Viewpoint. Writers Digest Books, 2010)The Flashback Seq uence in the Movie CasablancaIn the example of Casablanca, the flashback sequence is positioned strategically in the plot to resolve a newly elaborated narrative enigma. The crucial characters of the flashback (Rick, Ilsa, and Sam) have been clearly introduced, and the films plot has raised a question about the relationship of Rick and IlsaWhat happened to them before the film proper has begun?that must be answered before the plot can proceed.(James Morrison, Passport to Hollywood. SUNY Press, 1998) See also: Chronological OrderForeshadowingPlot

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learn a Computer Programming Language Online for Free

Learn a Computer Programming Language Online for Free Many new graduates find frustration in today’s job market as employers increasingly focus on hiring employees with concrete skills rather than diplomas alone. Even those looking to work in non-computer related fields will often find that regardless of major, graduates now need coding skills and many employers give priority to applicants with some knowledge of HTML or Javascript. Learning a programming language is an excellent way to improve your resume and make yourself more marketable. Those with access to a computer can learn a programming language online without paying to attend a university course. Learning to program at a beginner level can be surprisingly intuitive and a great introduction to a career in  technology. Regardless of age or level of familiarity with computers, there is a way for you to study and learn online. e-Books From Universities and More For the last few decades, books have been used as one of the primary means of learning to program. There are many books available for free, often in digital versions online. One popular series is called  Learn Code the Hard Way and uses a code immersion strategy that allows students to perform code work first, and then explains what happened. Contrary to the name, this approach is very effective at reducing the difficulty of explaining programming concepts to novice coders. For those looking to get started with the basics of programming rather than focusing on a specific language, MIT offers a free text called  Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. This text is offered alongside free assignments and course instruction to allow a student to learn to use Scheme to understand many important computer science principles. Online Tutorials Interactive tutorials are a smart choice for those with a tight schedule that want to steadily improve with a few minutes time a day rather than setting aside a large block of time all at once. A great example of an interactive tutorial for learning programming is Hackety Hack, which provides an easy way to learn the basics of programming using the Ruby language. Those looking for a different language prefer starting with an easier language like Javascript or Python. Javascript is often considered an essential language for anyone looking to work with web pages and can be explored using the interactive tool provided on  CodeAcademy. Python is well regarded as a simple-to-learn language of great use to those who need to develop more complex systems than Javascript allows for. LearnPython is a good interactive tool for those who want to start programming in Python. Free, Interactive Online Programming Courses In contrast to the single-serving format provided by interactive tutorials, many people prefer to learn in  Massively Open Online Courses  - a format similar to those provided at universities. Many courses have been put online to offer interactive methods to take a full course on programming. The website Coursera provides content from 16 different universities and has been used by more than one million â€Å"Courserians.† One of the participating schools is Stanford University, which provides excellent courses on such topics as algorithms, cryptography, and logic. Harvard, UC Berkeley, and MIT have teamed up to offer a large number of courses on the edX website. With courses like software as a service (SAS) and Artificial Intelligence, the edX system is an excellent source of modern instruction on fairly new technologies. Udacity is a smaller and more basic provider of interactive courseware, with instruction on such topics as building a blog, testing software, and building a search engine. In addition to providing online courses, Udacity also hosts meetups in 346 cities around the world for those that benefit from in-person interactions as well. Static Programming OpenCourseWare Interactive courses are sometimes too advanced for those who need lots of time or are unfamiliar with technology. For those in such a situation, another alternative is to try static OpenCourseWare materials such as those provided by MIT’s Open Courseware, Stanford’s Engineering Everywhere or many other programs. Learn More Whatever your method of learning, once you have identified your schedule and what fits your study style, you will be surprised at how quickly you can pick up a new skill and make yourself more marketable. Updated/edited by Terri Williams

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Othello and the lady with the dog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Othello and the lady with the dog - Essay Example Yet he quickly shows that he is capable of believing that his wife is unfaithful with the slightest bit of evidence and insinuation and proceeds to commit vicious murders in order to avenge himself. Desdemona demonstrates love, honesty, and sincerity while in contrast Iago displays hate, jealousy, and malice and Othello starts at one end of the spectrum and swiftly moves to the other. Dmitry Gurov is the main character in Chekhov’s story and is described by himself and the author as a man with contradictory actions and beliefs. He is outwardly a good and honest father and husband while he secretly runs around on his wife and considers all women to be part of â€Å"the lower race† (Part I). Anna is seemingly embarrassed and ashamed of her feelings and actions towards Dmitry yet she openly denounces her husband and admits that she is unhappy in her life with him. Presentation is only one facet of these character’s lives while their actions and beliefs are another. While Iago is the essence of evil, he strives to portray himself otherwise in order to achieve the ends he desires, no matter the cost. He openly admits is dual nature to Roderigo: â€Å"In following him, I follow but myself; / Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, / But seeming so, for my peculiar end; / For when my outward action doth demonstrate / The native act and figure of my heart / In compliment extern, ‘tis not long after / But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve / For daws to peck at. I am not what I am† (I. i. 58-65). Iago is fully aware of his true feelings and his ability to manipulate others and lie in order to achieve whatever he wants. He admits that he is not who he seems to be and that he is purposeful in being so. He successfully convinces Othello that he was not the one to tell Brabantio of Othello’s relationship with his daughter Desdemona and that in fact Roderigo â€Å"spoke such

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic Issues and Solutions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Issues and Solutions - Assignment Example If the client does not give access to every section- it usually turns down the offer. There are few traditional limitation were observed between the Crispin and the Burger Kind in 2004. The partner's pitched a plan for turning the packaging and tray liners into ad vehicles and changing the doors and parking lot signs before they ever pitched an ad idea. Then at MINI, and now VW, the agency has been creating a line of innovative gear for owners. For a brewing company Molson, they asked to spend $1 million retooling its bottling plant just for putting labels on bottles for Crispin just for using it as canvas for advertising along with some funny pickup lines. One recent decision that could potentially threat the company is of moving creative chief Bogusky, Keller, also 70 other staff to Boulder, Colo., in year 2008. So with many key creative staffers 2,000 miles away, the agency's ecosystem could loosen a bit. It gained popularity by working with major companies like BMW MINI and Truth in 1990 and 2000. The company used best Virtual marketing techniques, as used for Burger King's subservient chicken campaign (check this website- www.subservientchicken.com).It is also a member of MDC Partners (MDCA) which s a provider of marketing communications services to customers worldwide. In November 2007, MDC is raising its share from 49 per cent to 77 per cent. As it is one of the largest Advertising Company it has more than 650 employees which is one of the strength of this company. They are able to provide with innovative and creative advertising which makes them stand out in the advertising world. They have a diversify list of clients which makes them globally very popular. In 2006 the Crispin Porter & Bogusky got introduced in UK for the first time with Burger King. Weaknesses: The company is known for its creativity and has become renowned worldwide and in America for its best work. But still the power lies with the client. Furthermore, the ideas which the company comes up can be easily publicly traded in the market. Opportunities If company's clients are ready to put their accounts up for reviewing regularly, it can be known as one of the opportunity undoubtedly. The employees who are committed to their work and spend all their time to come up with the most creative and flawless idea for an ad- it surely is an opportunity for the company to flourish. Which makes everyone feels that they need advertising. Threats The world of advertising has now become highly saturated; there are trillions of companies to choose from. The threat of loosing clients is always hanging over every company as well as this company too. If Client ask the company to generate idea for the product or service and than they say 'we didn't like the idea'; so there is also a possibility that they can steal the ideas and make the ad on their own. The new agencies are always a threat as may try to copy the style of Crispin Porter+ Bogusky. Recommendations: Try to attract more clients and maintain the brand equity of Crispin Porter+ Bogusky maintain. Try to come up with nice strategic contracts which effectively lock new and existing clients with

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Summary and Response Essay Example for Free

Summary and Response Essay Summary: In â€Å"You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling,† syndicated columnist Eugene Robinson tries to impress upon his readers that racial profiling is still utilized by today’s police force. Mr. Robinson utilizes statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, to make his point. These statistics are taken from the Federal criminal justice system. Based on these statistics, he states that minorities (primarily blacks) are at least twice as likely to have their vehicle searched on a routine traffic stop. Mr. Robinson further points out the fact that minorities are statistically more likely to receive a citation, where whites are more likely to receive a verbal warning. Finally, Mr. Robinson makes the statement that if all individuals pulled over were searched equally that police would uncover evidence of tens of thousands more crimes annually. This statement is not supported by Bureau of Justice Statistics, as is the rest of the article, but is strictly conjecture. Response: Your article titled, â€Å"You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling,† is a compelling argument that racial profiling still exists and is being used in our â€Å"Federal† police force. I emphasize â€Å"Federal† since the statistics you use are only gathered from Federal cases. You infer, through omission, that these statistics support all traffic violations. I must confess that I agree that it exists on some level everywhere, but not that it’s as ubiquitous as you claim. Profiling is nothing more than a compilation of words like determine, assess, judge, weigh, evaluate, etc. All are used to statistically determine a predictable manner. You erroneously use the term Racial Profiling when the statistics more accurately suggest the use of the approved profiling method called Offender Profiling. We, as a societ y, empower our police with the authority to do offender profiling in service to the public. I certainly don’t want to impede on an officers judgment, to conduct a search, based on your claims that it’s not done uniformly. Do you want to be solely responsible for coming up with a list of traffic stop DO’s and DON’Ts for officers? Remember, you would be held accountable for any adverse situations that come as a result. I can’t help but detect some underlying accusations of racism in your column. In your claims you simplify things down to the numbers, in an effort to appear objective, but your math seems to be in error. The Federal Bureau of Statistics doesn’t account for the extenuating circumstances associated with the traffic stops you cite. Each traffic stop is an individual case that must be handled accordingly. It can’t be boiled down to simple math. Both parties are equally responsible for their conduct during a traffic stop. You fairly admit that blacks are less willing to concede they have been caught dead to rights in a traffic stop, but seem to exonerate their admitted cynical behavior. You want to hold the officer responsible for not only himself, but the actions of the offender as well. Fair is fair, you can’t responsibly make accusations based on half facts and obviously biased conjecture. That type of rhetoric is designed to inflame racial prejudices rather than express umbrage about an unfair process. I wonder what you were really trying to say, and what ulterior motives you have.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lots Wife, Akhmatovas Version Essay -- essays research papers

“Lot’s Wife'; depicts the fate of a woman following her husband Lot on his departure of their native town Sodom. Sodom was a town that God destroyed, yet he granted Lot and his wife permission to flee the town before this occurrence. Wislawa Szymborska and Anna Akhmatova offer different versions and perspectives on the same story. Each of the authors use different elements of poetry to create two very unique poems that have several similarities as well as many obvious differences. These two different poems are mainly different because of the point of view differs in each poem. Another thing that makes an important difference is how each of the poems begin, each one begins with a different situation, as the speaker is also different. The structure also is different, which affects the fluidity of the poem and how it is read, almost working with or reinforcing the tone. It is ironic how similar tone is in these two poems, yet the structure in each varies significantly. There are different connotations in each of these poems also, making them different. Each of these pieces imply different things to different extents. Akhmatova’s version leaves an abundant amount of information to figure out for ourselves while Szymborska’s uses connotation in a manner which gives us more detail as to what is going on. Although there are many differences in the two different versions of the same poem, several things contribute to the similarities among them. One of the most noticeable similarities is of course the general theme the story line, and tone. All of the elements of poetry are prevalent in both pieces. They bring the reader through different emotions taking them to different endings of the same story, yet they leave the reader with almost iden tical impressions of what occurred. The poem’s structure influences how it is read. Structure affects all of the other elements of poetry either directly or indirectly. Akhmatova’s version of this piece is organized into four stanzas. Akhmatova’s version includes line breaks ( hence the four stanzas ) that emphasize different portions of the poem, while Szymborska’s line breaks seem random because they do not structurally affect the poem. Szymborska’s poem is very fluid because she doesn’t separate the lines into stanzas as Akhmat... ...veral similarities between the two poems. Both versions contain immense irony concerning why the woman looks back. The reasoning in both Akhmatova’s and Szymborska’s poems contradict themselves. As mentioned several times earlier the same impression is left upon the reader for the most part, although each version could be interpreted by the reader several different ways, just as they could be explicated differently in comparison to each other. The title is interestingly identical for both poems, despite the immense differences otherwise. Tone is also a prevalent similarity, as when looked at side by side the same tone exists, even though there are many other factors that effect this element. In conclusion, “Lot’s Wife'; is a poem that contains many messages, as achieved differently by different authors. The elements of poetry work hand in hand and are all contingent upon one another to achieve the desired result. Each of the versions of “Lot’s Wife'; that have been examined are evidence of this. These pieces are incomparable in quality, because they each have their own unique characteristics and make their own statements.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Chinese Attitudes Toward Nature, Time, Good and Evil Essay

As for the attitude of Chinese people toward nature, it is undisputed that it is marked by a strong feeling of harmony, for example, oneness of nature and man. According to Dong Zhongshu, who was the most important philosopher of the Western Han, Heaven had its will and purpose. It was Heaven that made the sun, the moon, and the stars move, the four seasons change, and all animals and plants grow and die. Heaven was kindhearted, so it made things produce one another; Heaven was also severe, so it made things overcome one another. Moreover, Heaven created a ruler to rule over the people. This meant that Heaven wanted the people to be ruled. When a ruler did something wrong, Heaven would be angry and would give the ruler warnings by causing strange natural phenomena to happen, such as eclipses, earthquakes, floods and droughts. This theory——the interaction between Heaven and man——had a clear purpose. On the one hand, it was intended to show that the ruler’s position and power were given to him by Heaven, and should not be questioned; on the other hand, the ruler should be virtuous and benevolent, and govern well, so as not to incur Heaven’s anger. Dong had a well-known saying: â€Å"The Way is great because it originates in Heaven. Heaven does not change; nor does the Way. † I would like to explain the idea clearly by an example. That is Feng Shui. Feng Shui (also known as â€Å"geomancy†) is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. Maybe many people think it is superstition, but I consider it can reflect the pursuit of harmonious life of Chinese people. There are four purposes in Feng Shui, seeking the harmony of human body; the harmony between people and people; the harmony between people and society; the harmony between people and nature. Let me give a small example about placing a bed. The bed shall be slightly higher than the knee and not near the door. And it shall face to the south and back to the north in order to adjust duxhlt, the aorta and large veins direction of the blood circulatory system, so that people can fall a sleep easily, and have a high quality sleep. The bed can’t facet the west, because the rotation of the earth is from east to west, making the blood rush toward the head, and people can’t sleep soundly. Beam presses which mean air conditioners hang above the pillow, or the lights suspend above the bed, bring about oppression, and cause adverse effect of body and mind. Mirrors can’t face the bed, if not people may be startled easily in midnight, and can’t be peace. It really can express the attitude toward nature, uniting of heaven and humanity. As for the attitude of Chinese people toward time, three features will be mentioned about. The first is round- type time outlook. In the oriental world, farming is the major way of carrying out material and exchanging goods dominates all the economic life of the whole society. This pastoral civilization treats human and the nature as interrelated and interacted,the world as an integer organically linked. So in oriental society the round-type time outlook is that nature and human is integrate. This kind of time outlook holds the view that time is like a circle and all the things in the world return to its origina1 state after a cycle of time, for example, the alternation of day and night, the come and go of the four seasons,the turning of the twelve months, the increase of the age and the growing of plants. This kind of time view makes the Orientals handle the time at their disposal and do things at ease. For instance, when a teacher has not finished an important point in his class,he can prolong his class. At the Chinese wedding feast, few people will come at the time which is written on the invitation card. Moreover, Chinese use time very casually and intangibly. Chinese prefer to say some uncertain words 1ike â€Å"at once†, â€Å"sometimes†, â€Å"a short while†, which a1ways confuse the westerners. Chinese students who are studying English tend to misuse the tense when communicate with foreigners. In a word, Chinese don’t have clear differentiation concept of time. The second is polychromic time system. Polychromic time system means people are very casual in using time. In other words, being punctual is important, but not strict. Polychromic time system is the heritage of traditional agricultural society. People are used to do severa1 different things at the same time and do things emphasizing prime time. Chinese think that everything in the world develops with the cycling of time, so people catch the time that is ripe for acting, which means each step of our action is determined temporarily by our surroundings. So action is poorly planned by Chinese. In some occasions, people can do many things in the same time. A Chinese salesman can check out with the first customer on the one hand,and show the goods to a second one on the other hand, even greet a third One at the same time. However, westerners can hardly accomplish them and also can not accept them. The third is past time orientation. Time orientation is a relatively stable factor in cultural difference. It is connected to the historical background of the. Generally speaking, people who have too heavy tradition, look up to history and past, so their time orientation is past-oriented. Chinese belong to past-oriented. People show great respect to the past. The past experience and 1esson are important reference for today’s success and failure. Chinese show respect to ancestors and teachers. They like to say things by referencing to the old books and stories. That is why Chinese call teachers â€Å"lao shi†. â€Å"lao† means old. People attach importance to age and experience, because they are symbols of power and wisdom, so words like â€Å"lao† and â€Å"da† always mean respect in Chinese. As for the attitude of Chinese people toward good and evil, perhaps the most extreme view of goodness is found in the Buddhist tradition. Buddhism maintains that we are born pure and are closest to what is called â€Å"loving kindness† when we enter this world. Hence, people are good, and our culture is what makes us evil. The view of goodness is also found in Confucianism. Meng Zi made the original goodness of human nature the keynote to his system. To him, the virtue of humanity together with the accompanying virtues of righteousness, rites and wisdom arises from the inner springs of the human heart. These four cardinal virtues come in their seed form—the â€Å"four beginnings†, as the feeling of compassion, shame, modesty, and of the distinction between right and wrong. Such feelings are universal among mankind and they come as naturally ad taste for food, and sight for beauty. This, Meng Zi argued, can be seen in the fact that a child naturally loves his parents and that a man will instinctively experience a feeling into a well. Therefore, human nature is originally good, and will be good if it is guided by its innate feelings, just as water is inclined to flow downward. In contrast to the concept of the goodness of human nature advocated by Meng Zi, Xun Zi declared that human nature is originally evil because human desires inevitably lead to greed and strife if left untrained. Believing that goodness can only be acquired, Xun Zi stressed the value of education and environment. To him it is environment and authority that make the man, and it is obedience of the precepts of the sage-kings that produces the goodness that is in him. In the end, however, not only is the life of virtue a possibility but even sage-hood is within reach. Therefore, Xun Zi said, â€Å"Every man on the street can become like the sage-king Yu†, a perfect orthodox Confucian note. What mentioned about are viewpoints from the ancients. Nowadays Chinese attitudes toward good and evil are very wide and vague, not like Christianity which has a â€Å"ten commandments†, making the general public even those without much cultural literacy has some certain standards, ruling what can do and can not do, their attitudes toward good and evil are absolutely clear. But to Chinese, nothing must been done and nothing can not be done. The boundary between good and evil is obscure, in some condition something is good but in other condition it may be bad. To Chinese the boundary is always about degree, whether it is excessive or not. For example, talking between Chinese friends sometimes contains abusive language, but it doesn’t mean they hate each other, most of time, it is just joking. That behavior is not really evil, but if it is overdone, it will be. Chinese People’s attitude toward nature, time, good and evil have been formed gradually, and they are relatively stable in a long time, but they are not without changes. The better living conditions, the development of the economy, the improvement of the society and the increase of the interaction of people from different cu1tural backgrounds will undoubtedly have subtle effects on their views, although it is also a long process. What I talking about is some basic attitude of Chinese, it will help foreigner to understand Chinese better, but not always apply to every Chinese at every time.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Science in Mechanical Engineering

For someone who has always seen himself as lesser superior than others; for someone whose confidence is always behind the scene; for someone who has never really seen himself any bigger than a green pea; for someone who has acquired numbers of rejection which, apparently, outnumbered number of acceptance from people around him; for someone who used to just exist – just exist – who would have thought it would come to this point? Review I cannot consider my life as an extraordinary this world had ever had. Each person has a story to tell and I must say mine is not really something different.While some people spend their lives with lots of colors around them, some just do not – and as much as I hate to admit, I spent many years of my life belonging to the second group. I go with flow and that has always been the case. It goes this way: I knew I need to attend school and so I did. I have to do well in school or else I will suffer from all the criticisms – the usual criticisms. It is never easy to live in other people’s expectations to the point that it is what they want that drives you. It is your body under their minds. I can now imagine how pathetic that was.All the while, though, I do not think I was as inspired as the rest of the class was. I did not make lots of friends from school. No big deal! But there were times when I also deal with thinking of the reasons for the ‘empty’ life. Those days would usually end with me getting no answer than ‘It must be me†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Although I acknowledge the fact that each of us has our own set of preferences and all the while, I lived in the thought that I just prefer to live my life like this – lonely, detached, alone. It was tiring when you care for no one and more when no one cares for you.This probably exhibits the self-centered approach known to men. My being careless about others exhibits my being self-centered while others being self-centered is signifi ed by how I saw them treating me. I started my career as an advocate of science and technology. Yes, my first degree was Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I used to get fascinated with breakthroughs science gets to offer – all those inventions and advances in technology. Awesome! Hale great! Breath-taking! Fantastic! All those praises†¦ Nothing can beat the feeling of having invented something out of nothing.Or the feeling of being the one to drastically improve the current state of something for the benefit of people around the globe – it is always satisfying! Or so I was told. But who could tell it was not really a career of choice? I was one of those high school graduates who do not really know what they want to happen in their lives. And so, without any particular basis, it was Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering that I ended up with. Not a bad call anyway. I am aware of the good future this field has to offer. I have known of lots of pe ople who have succeeded in this career and, yes, that is, somehow, something to look forward to.I, at least, had this driving force to continue with my study. Fair enough to push me to strive harder and harder. I just told myself I need it or else I will end up with nothing. Although I appeared to be so passive all the while, in my heart I know I long for something. That something, however, is unknown. I do not know if I am just one those people who experience wanting something they do not exactly know what or looking for something they do not know, for sure, if existent. Can you just imagine how if feels to be in the dark? Be somewhere without any clear direction? They say that every little thing just takes a little of getting used to.Oh, well, probably, as I seemed to have been used to the feeling of being lost. It was sad but true. At this point in my life, I can never consider this as self-centeredness as I cannot even put myself at the center of everything. Myself was put on da rk – not in the center but in the darkness. Despite the lack of light in my life, I never questioned the existence of the Great Someone Up There. I perfectly know he is there. I do not recall how often I scream for His help. Maybe not that often but, of course, I do. I do and in my heart, I know I am not essentially alone all the while.However, there are moments when I tend to question the number and quantity of challenges facing me. There seems to be imbalance in load allocation. How come I am so lost while others follow certain direction? How come I do not know what I want in life while others are so certain of what they want in theirs? How come I do not seem to possess enough reason to be happy and complete. I often envy happy and satisfied people, I must admit – but I do not harm to them. I just envy them, that is it. And more often than not, I wish I were in their shoes. I even envy my own family members who seemed to find satisfaction in this life.Self-centered, I was, that time. In all the insecurities I have inside, there were times when I ask myself if this is something I caused. What is that something I failed to do? What is that something that I can probably change to make a difference? What could be missing? I have heard of success stories about people who started with nothing and ended up having the life they have always dreamed of. Can I not be one of them? My concern is never monetary. I did not wish for the whole world. I just want a piece of it – a piece of it where I can enjoy life to the fullest.I did not ask for extravagant things. What would a loner do with those? I doubt if anybody could really enjoy everything alone. I did not wish for fame. I have lived my life not having the attention of the whole world. I just want some compassion and feeling of belongingness. I did not wish for power as I have never ever seen myself mandating others or controlling the world. It could be that I long for power but that power is the power to appreciate and enjoy life, the power to make people see me as a sensible being worth the company, the power to contribute to the ‘real’ things in this world.In short, I was never a materialistic type. There are things I lack from within and that is something I longed for to fill in. Looking at these things now, it was all, I – I – I. I was so I-centered. Self-centeredness, however, can be seen positively or negatively. Realization should start from oneself. Otherwise, there is no way one can share himself to others. There is no way sharing yourself if you are now whole. In this way, self-centeredness can be seen as a first way in building or trying to build relationships with others.I used to have a, so to speak, very narrow view of things in life. I exist. I have to live. I have to survive. I used to find the question, â€Å"What am I here for? † or â€Å"Why do I exist? † as cliche that should have been buried decades back. Come o n! You are here because you are here and there is just nothing you can do about it! It is not a problem needing solution. It is just a situation that you have to live with. You are left with just two options – either you continue to exist or you end your own existence. Is that something needing some sort of profound thinking?!Life is as plain as that. You just have to go with the flow. I was never a person of confidence. I could not care less of what others might be thinking of me. Why would I? Could they care for me any better than that? I doubt†¦ I am just me. With or without me, the world would still revolve around the sun. With or without me, people from any part of the globe would still have 24 hours in a day. With or without me, things still go precisely the same way as they do when I am here. I am a nobody to ever have the notion I mean something – that I am myself and this person counts.As I started to look back, where did it all start? Where and when did I ever acquire this feeling of inferiority and lack of self-worth? When did I start to â€Å"kill† myself? After some self-scrutiny, these questions led me to this answer – the number of rejections I got from people around me. I was ignored for more than once, not just twice, far more than thrice, and to say it is four times is an understatement. It is never easy to be ignored. It is a feeling I would not want myself to dwell with – not anymore. As some people say, any attention is better than none.And indeed, any attention is better than the countless rejections my past gave me. Life has never been that kind to me. All those moments when I wanted to say something and no one seemed to be interested to even turn a head to look at who is talking; all those moments when my eyes could not speak more of what I feel inside and yet no one seemed to notice; all those moments when the only resort I can think of is to walk and walk and walk until my life ends; all those m oments when all I wanted is to disappear from everybody’s sight; all those moments contributed to the me that I used to be.In which case, the concept of containment applied in me. It was during this time when I tend to control and keep all emotions to myself, given the assumption that no one will listen and no one will care. My life went on and on and on. I learned to care for myself and for myself alone as I do not want to meddle with any other people’s lives. Why would I? Is it not that for so long I am with myself and myself alone? Is it not that for so long, I could not seem to find anyone beside me? Who ever said, â€Å"No man is an island? † I used to be an island and that is something I can attest.Until this very day came – I happened to come across (accidentally or probably it is fate’s planned way) with this certain book entitled, â€Å"Teach Only Love†. I am not a bookworm, definitely. No, unless it is an Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics book. I cannot exactly recall what is in that book that made me read it through. It was not me that is for sure. Nonetheless, the next thing I know is I finished reading that book. This is not normal. This must be something. And, indeed, it was. Why? Because reading that book had been the key to discover the other self I have.Yes, and it surprised me much more than any reader of this essay could ever imagine. What about this â€Å"magical† book? Nothing special at first glance†¦ It is a simple, plain, ordinary book that discusses the importance of our every word and every deed. It emphasizes that what we are today is basically an aftermath of what we said and did yesterday. I then started to look back at my past once more – the past that does not possess any allure to be revisited if not for the purpose of wanting to see myself mourning for the nth time. After reading this book once, I must admit something in me felt a slight change in perspective.But I was in denial. It is just a book – a fantasy created by someone, a perspective shared to others hoping there will be people to buy the ideas. â€Å"Count me out†, I told myself. But this book seemed to have a magical and magnetic property that made me want to read it over again. And so I did. This time, I cannot seem to put myself in denial as I did the first time. And yes, it opened my eyes in more than just one way. How could this certain piece of something, non-living, non-speaking, can speak of the things I have never heard from anyone in my life?How could this piece of bound paper wake me up from the long sleep I have been? How could it be? These are the questions reining my head for days and days. I got tired of seeking for answers. And then came the answer – if that non-living thing happened to show the life out of me, I can do far better than that. If this thing that does not have a mouth spoke to me of million things, how better could someone with mout h do that? If this thing that does not have a hand touched me in a unique, special way that no one has ever done before, what more could my able hands do?If this thing without eyes saw me the way I have always wanted to be seen, how better could these bright eyes of mine see those who are in need of my attention? If this thing without ears heard me like I was never listened to before, what more could these ears of mine do to those people who need people to listen as they confess? If this thing without shoulder happened to offer me a cradle of comfort, what more could this broad shoulder of mine offer those who need some rest? And if this thing without a heart happened to feel me, how can my heart not feel what other people have to express?It is this moment when I finally decided to stop asking why but to start thanking God that for millions of wandering souls we have in this world, I was given the chance to come across this book that opened millions of wonderful and worthwhile possi bilities. And so the confession above justifies the need for me to shift my profession from Mechanical Engineering to Counseling Psychology. These are far apart degrees and, yes, I did not see myself engaging in counseling. No, not even in my wildest dream. But this is not a dream. Yes, I am living in reality and the reality is that this is the vocation of choice.This is where I find myself, my heart. This is where I belong. It is true what the â€Å"magical† book says – that it is from your past where you draw your present. If not for the thousands of rejection, if not for the feeling of inferiority, if not for the lack of self confidence, I do not really think this book would have as much effect on me as it had. What is in counseling that truly entices me? It is not the feeling of recognition. It is not the money behind every consultation. It is not to make a living. It is to live and to let others appreciate how wonderful it is to live. Experience, indeed, is the be st teacher.I know the feeling of being neglected. I experienced lots of it. And this leads me to wanting to help people feel important, feel needed, feel worthy. I know the feeling of losing self worth and so I love to boost people’s confidence in themselves. I love to see people seeing their value as a person and claiming it as theirs. I love to see people loving themselves. But going through all these things, all these aspirations for others required lots of self realization. I had to learn to love myself first. It is true that you cannot share something you do not possess in the first place.How can I share love and confidence when I do not have it myself? I started with loving myself unconditionally, being proud of myself like I have never achieved anything before, and looking myself at the mirror with the courage to say, â€Å"This is me and without me, the world will never be exactly the same again. † When I finally learned to appreciate my own self, that was the time I started to see others in the way they should be seen – no prejudgment, no bias, no unjust feeling. This is where I started to realize the positive side of being self-centered.I took time to stabilize myself and when the time came, accidentally or planned, that I can tell myself I am whole, was the time I can start reaching out to others. Therapeutic relationship with others is where the essence of counseling relies. You have to build that kind of relationship to be able to counsel who are in need of help. When is it therapeutic? When you can ease others’ pain and when you can hear others’ grief without literally saying it. It is when your relationship with people tends to make those people feel relieved of their burden. It is the talent that no book can actually teach.This is the spice of counseling career. The theories behind help, but the counselor’s approach to practice it can never be assured by the theories. Person-centered counseling is when you put the person you are counseling as the central consideration in every word you will say, in every piece of advice you will give, and in every gesture you will show to the patient. The person being counseled would want it done that way. Well, to start with, he seeks counseling to be paid with attention that he wants to get, to get the understanding that no one seems to give him.The counselor should be able to give that. The central purpose is to make the person being counseled feel healed of the burden. As Jennie Rowden once said, â€Å"The best thing about counseling psychology is the face-to-face client work; it’s a real privilege to share in a complex process of change and deeply satisfying on a personal level. But I do so many other interesting things as well as therapy; with the research, supervision and the teaching and training of others, my job is endlessly fascinating and evolving. † And I share this same gratitude towards this vocation.It is more satisfy ing than having solved the most complex mathematical problem and far more complex than having invented a machine that could make the car fly. I am not saying these are fancy things. Let us just say, to each, his own. And this something that I won right now is something I will always be proud of. I claim the right to own it and be proud of it. Looking at my self now, I am far more self-directed than I was at a younger age. It is my responsibility to help others see the light of path and to be able to do that, I know I have to see the light in my own path first.It is a must for counselors to have interest in understanding people’s interaction with others and with the social environment. Understanding people’s perception is also mandatory. These things can be too challenging and too complex and only those are whole-heartedly interested can bear the complexity. Prominent areas needing focus are motivation, thought, attention, sensory, and perception. One of the most import ant things a counselor should never take off the mind is the confidentiality of the story or revelation of his patients.Opening someone’s life to a person who is not even a relative or a friend is never a simple thing. The counselor should keep the trust and confidence of the patient. Sharing one’s life is never easy, especially if what you have to share is something not-so-wonderful. But who ever define what is wonderful and what is not? As I come across this vocation, I realize, appreciation of something starts it all. When you learn to love what you have, you will see you need not have anything else. The chance to touch someone’s life, in a way or so, is one blessing I will not forsake.As I walk down the road, I wish my simple talk can speak of the things the lesser fortunate being would want to hear; my simple touch, I wish, could give them the comfort and shield they need; my simple smile, I pray, could bring them joy and hope that tomorrow is another day. There are people asking me what could have been – if I pursue the Engineering career†¦ As for me, I do not see this as a question needing answer. But then, I answered, â€Å"I do not really know. The only thing I am sure of is that had I not choose this vocation I am currently in, I may not feel this very light spirit in me.It could be that I will deal with problems of people in the world in addition to my own, but that is where the beauty lies. God gave these people challenges to work on, to give people like us opportunity to enlighten and uplift others’ souls. It is never easy but it is always true, always real, always sincere. † Looking myself in the mirror now, I still look the same but I see a completely new individual within. It was a total change – something I love. My past taught me a lot of lessons and although life has never been too kind for me then, the sacrifices that past brought me served as the inspiration in my life today.If not for this sad past, I doubt if I can see my life the way I see it now. Every bitter past, indeed, has sweet beginning if we only welcome the possibilities, if we only keep open arms for all the new changes. Fear is but a natural feeling. But to let oneself be drowned in it is another thing. The line, â€Å"I was left with no choice,† does not apply, I now believe. We are always given choices. The pick is ours. Sometimes we want something yet the apprehension is there and we let the apprehension rule. Realization does not have age limit.There are very young bloods who are very positive with their viewpoint in life. There are people old enough to realize things they should be doing and yet not doing anything. Maturity, indeed, does not come with age. It comes with the exposure in life. It comes with faith. It comes with the mindset brought by home. It comes with everything that happens in our lives if we only see things in right perspective. Each day is a new beginning and in each m orning I wake up, I thank God for the night that passed and pray that for this day, I inspire and counsel a soul.If I will ever change someone’s viewpoint, from dim to positively clear, that is when my day would become worthwhile. That is when I can tell it was never a waste and this day is something I am proud to tell God. In every talk that I do, may it be counseling or casual talk with friends, I know it is not them who learn from me. Talking is always a mutual thing. You learn from one another. No one can tell he knows everything. The same line, when uttered by two different individuals, may mean different. Why? Because it is not solely the words but the feelings and meaning behind the words.That is why talking about the same thing with different people results to a definitely wider perspective. It is not the subject matter, it is the people talking. It is not about the language used, it is the feeling behind every word. It is not length nor it is the brevity of the talk, it is the sincerity behind every statement. It is not important if the words are pronounced correctly or not. What is important is the openness of one another to talk and the willingness to feel and listen. There are, indeed, things no textbook can teach. There are things you can only learn as you get through it.I now know the answer to my questions and the answer is that I had to experience all those to experience what I am experiencing now. That may be the only acceptable answer and I do not really intend to search for more. Life is so simple if we only know how to really live it. Life happens but once. I might have spent many years of it in a not-so-wonderful way but it life does not lead back. It only moves forward. And so I should. No one should really wallow about the misfortunes in life, as there is no such thing. There are instances – some are happy while some are not.But those that are not are not really misfortunes if we are to scrutinize. Those are just Godâ€℠¢s means to prepare us. He does not teach us how to see things. He can only provide us with tests that can help us see things the way He wants us to. Our God is never a spoon-feeding, pampering God. He is a just God who gives comprehensive examinations where we can learn great lessons if we only listen. The world is a very huge venue to learn. This life is a very comprehensive exam to pass. The beauty is when we learn to appreciate the class – when we go to it not because it is mandatory to go to it but because we love to.ConclusionIf anybody would ask me now if I regret giving up my first degree to pursue counseling, I will answer, â€Å"The sad past led me to a wonderful today. Every bit of failure and pain did not really lead me to regretting anything because in each of those, I learned. And in each of those, I grew – not just as a person for myself but as a person for other people. † And now, I no longer find the question, â€Å"What do I live for? † mushy. I can tell, with chin up, I live for others to appreciate their lives. I do not just exist. I live. I continue to learn through others with high hopes and belief that they also learn from me. ?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Abormal Behavior essays

Abormal Behavior essays Abnormal Behavior, what is it? Who is to say, what is normal and what is not normal? Now, take it a step further. Who determines abnormal behavior verses normal behavior? Who differentiate between the two? Is it us, (the people, who claim to be normal), your parents, your peers, your environment, or is it society? Often times we are quick to pass judgment on individuals who are acting in a manner that is unacceptable, but unacceptable to, whom? We all have been taught the difference between right and wrong, but is that difference so great that it flirts along the lines of what is normal, and what is not normal? Is it normal for a two-year-old child to talk back to his or her parents? Is it normal for a people to speak to one another when they have made eye contact? Is it normal for men to watch football on Sundays, and for women to watch daytime drama shows during the week? Before we can answer any of these questions we need to know what is behavior, and then differentiate between w hat is normal, and what is abnormal behavior? Behavior is the manner in which a person behaves, whether they can conform to the standards, or whether they cannot conform to the standards. And once again I pose the question who sets the standards? Society, thats who. We as a people have already laid out a path of what we think is acceptable and what is not acceptable, the same way that we as a society have deemed what is normal and what is abnormal behavior. When we ask a society how they define abnormal behavior, we are asking first, where does that society draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior and, secondly, which unacceptable behaviors the society views as evidence of abnormal rather than simply, undesirable. How are these questions best answered? It is simple, these questions are best answered through what we call societys norms. It has been said that psychology "has a long history but a short past." Thi...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Study on How Alzheimer’s disease connects To the Human Immune System

A Study on How Alzheimer’s disease connects To the Human Immune System The immune system is the bodies strongest defense against serious illnesses, yet it cannot prevent every serious issue. Even the healthiest of individuals can contract a serious or even fatal non-communicable condition such as cancer and fibromyalgia just to name a few. The immune system is extremely complex in how it operates and defends the body from disease. In recent news, â€Å"fresh evidence that the bodys immune system interacts directly with the brain could lead to a new understanding of diseases from multiple sclerosis to Alzheimers.† If a link between the immune system and a mental degeneration issue can be found, then the possibility of discovering a cure for Alzheimer’s is more feasible than anticipated. The research behind this link is still relatively new, and tests are still being conducted to come to a further conclusion on how the Alzheimer’s condition can be silenced through the immune system. Studies of the brain have established quite a few li nks between the immune system and serious medical condition prevention. To expand on that point, â€Å"a study of human and monkey brains found lymphatic vessels — a key part of the bodys immune system — in a membrane that surrounds the brain and nervous system, a team reported Tuesday in the online journal eLife.† Rigorous testing is only the first step towards discovering a cure or treatment for a serious disease. Furthermore, testing animals is an essential aspect of introducing a new treatment option to the world. For instance, â€Å"the new finding bolsters recent evidence in rodents that the brain interacts with the bodys lymphatic system to help fend off diseases and remove waste. Until a few years ago, scientists believed that the brains immune and waste removal systems operated independently.† Even until recently, the understanding of Alzheimer’s has long been shrouded in uncertainty, and there are several more discoveries to be made on be half of the condition. To find a link between Alzheimer’s and the body’s immune system, the Alzheimer’s issue itself requires examination. What is Alzheimer’s? The Alzheimer’s condition is a more advanced form of dementia, a disease that slowly eats away at the tissues of the brain. Dementia in itself is not that harmful of a condition due to its slow progression. However, Alzheimer’s effects the structure of the brain much faster and more aggressively than the more timid forms of dementia. In fact, â€Å"Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimers disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases.† A large portion of the dementia community suffers from the Alzheimer’s condition, making this illness an epidemic. Alzheimer’s cannot be caught, yet it is closely associated with genetics and hereditary traits. Alzheimer’s and dementia are considered to be conditions for the elderly, yet early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s is prevalent in North America among several other countries. A recent study revealed that â€Å"the majority of people with Alzheimers are 65 and older. But Alzheimers is not just a disease of old age. Approximately 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 have younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease (also known as early-onset Alzheimer’s).† This statistic can come across as startling to the individuals that believe that Alzheimer’s and dementia only attack the elderly and mentally ill. The most frightening aspect of the Alzheimer’s condition spawns from the uncertainty of the condition itself. Many individuals know of Alzheimer’s or have at least heard about the condition, yet this disease is not completely comprehendible. By definition, â€Å"Alzheimers is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but with late-stage Alzheimers, individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their envir onment.† Since the Alzheimer’s disease destroys the fabric of the mind, the once normal bodily functions of the Alzheimer’s patient have been compromised. With the mind compromised, the body will follow the digressive path of the mental health condition. This will also directly influence the body’s immune system, creating a link between Alzheimer’s and the defense system of the body. What Does the Immune System do? The immune system serves as an armor of sorts, and it defends the body against specific irritations. These irritations include bacteria and any foreign element that the body considered harmful. A normal functioning immune system does its best to eliminate and prevent chronic illness such as multiple sclerosis. To expand on that note, â€Å"the immune system interacts with the brain is fundamental to how multiple sclerosis develops and how we treat multiple sclerosis, Reich says. However, the immune system is unable to prevent the body from contracting more damaging conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. As far as Alzheimer’s and dementia operate, the chemistry and the structural integrity of the brain is compromised. For instance, â€Å"these diseases occur as certain toxic waste products accumulate in the brain. And lymphatic vessels appear to be part of the system that usually removes these waste products.† With the brain not operating the way it was des igned, the immune system has almost no chance of defending the body. To elaborate on that point, â€Å"the immune system protects the body like a guardian from harmful influences from the environment and is essential for survival. It is made up of different organs, cells and proteins and aside from the nervous system, it is the most complex system that the human body has.† Each organ works together in order to form a functional body and create a healthy and active human being. The immune system is tangible in the sense of how it can be treated or enhanced. Despite the normal functions of the immune system, a deconstructive mental illness such as Alzheimer’s can destroy the entire body of left untreated. How is the Immune System linked to Alzheimer’s? Since every section of the body is connected through a series of organs and vessels, the immune system plays a major role in how everything in the body is protected. In recent studies, there has been â€Å"some evidence that there are vessels here that are behaving different from blood vessels, Reich says. But we werent sure that they were lymphatic vessels. The blood vessels in the brain are incredibly necessary for the immune system to work as well as it can. Blood provides oxygen to the brain as well as every other organ in the body, only further creating a link between the immune system and serious medical conditions. To put it into perspective, â€Å"without an immune system, a human being would be just as exposed to the harmful influences of pathogens or other substances from the outside environment as to changes harmful to health happening inside of the body.† The brain is perhaps the most important organ in the body besides the heart, which is also controlled by the b rain. Every organ in the body takes its orders from the brain, otherwise known as the control center for the body. The brain is essentially the nucleus for the body, and the Alzheimer’s disease would be considered the enemy to the brains normal operations. Alzheimer’s as a disease is detrimental to the mental state of a once healthy individual. It is widely understood that quality health is a product of a proper and balanced diet, as well as a productive exercise regimen. However, there are exceptions to this basic human principle on a healthy lifestyle. For example, â€Å"illness can occur if the performance of the immune system is compromised, if the pathogen is especially aggressive, or sometimes also if the body is confronted with a pathogen it has not come into contact before.† The immune system attacks almost every foreign entity that enters the body, yet it cannot defend the body against every problem that the body comes in contact with. The research behind how the body reacts to certain substances and diseases is conducted each day. Today, scientists are generating new and innovative ideas to find a link between the immune system and harmful diseases such as Alzheimer’s. For instance, â€Å"scientists inje cted a special dye into the bloodstream, then watched to see where it went. They focused on the dura mater, the outermost membrane that protects the brain and nervous system.† Scientists are currently trying to pin point exactly where the Alzheimer’s disease is developed in the brain. Following the path of the fluids in the brain should serve as an indication of where the actual problem is located. Scientists and researchers found that â€Å"it wasnt clear how these waste products were draining out of the head. Now it appears that at least some of the waste might be exiting through the lymphatic system.† Alzheimer’s appears to be unstoppable in the society of today, yet this is not entirely true. As of right now, there is no cure for the Alzheimer’s dementia condition, but medical science is incredibly close to solving this complication. The Alzheimer’s condition takes so much away from the brain, yet giving up on finding a cure is a memory t hat needs to be erased. As long as an individual is alive, there will always be hope for a cure.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Write an essay stating why the US isnt really a democracy

Write an stating why the US isnt really a democracy - Essay Example However, there has been a consistent debate as to whether US can truly be considered as the democracy. The history of US indicates various legislative efforts, social and political divisions as well as racial bias which may not be otherwise accepted under democracy. Though there are no characteristics defined for democracy however, equality as well as freedom are considered as two important characteristics of democracy. Apart from this, democracy also need to ensure that the control is upward i.e. sovereignty reside at the lowest level of authority, political equality to each citizen as well as the social norms under which only those acts are considered acceptable which falls under the first two principles. As such democracy provides a complete system wherein political, social and economic rights of the citizens are taken care of and are considered as equal. (Levine,115) One of the key arguments in suggesting that US is not a democracy is based upon the fact that US is a republic. In democracy, people decide the matters directly through deliberations and town hall type meetings however, in a republic, the same is done through elected representatives of people. As such there is a fundamental difference between a democracy and republic and US being a republic may not be purely a democracy in its true nature. The Constitution of the country do not directly allows referendums and direct public opinion seeking in policy development matters. Despite this, some States however, engage into direct referendums and ballots to allow public to directly exercise their power to influence and create policies against issues of public nature. This argument is also based upon the assumption that the framers of the constitution were not actually in favor of providing public a direct mean of expressing their opinion. It is believed that the framers of constitution were of the opinion that the public may not have the required wisdom to express their opinion